Money isn’t everything. There are practical and emotional factors to consider as well. You might qualify to buy a home now, but maybe you want to finish college, or you don’t want long commute, or you want to stay close to your family. Do your research and take your time. The market will still be there when you are ready.
If you’re not sure where to start, give me a call. I constantly keep track of what is happening in our market, and I can help you decide the best time to buy or sell your home.
If you are thinking about selling your home, check out our free home valuation tool here .
If you are interested in purchasing a home, you can search the MLS here.
I am happy to answer any real estate questions you may have. I look forward to hearing from you!
Thank you,
If you’re not sure where to start, give me a call. I constantly keep track of what is happening in our market, and I can help you decide the best time to buy or sell your home.
If you are thinking about selling your home, check out our free home valuation tool here .
If you are interested in purchasing a home, you can search the MLS here.
I am happy to answer any real estate questions you may have. I look forward to hearing from you!
Thank you,
Cheers, have the best day of your life
International President's Circle
11050 Overseas Highway,
Marathon, Fl 33050
Land Line: 305-289-6492,
11050 Overseas Highway,
Marathon, Fl 33050
Land Line: 305-289-6492,
I listen attentively, I respond quickly, I follow Up and Follow Thru promptly. Have the best day of your life. Thank you
The next time you're in a conversation with a friend or family member and they mention that they or someone they know is (looking to buy their Dream Vacation Home because they are tired of paying vacation rent, or tired of shoveling snow), simply share this link so we can talk about helping them get the advice they need.
Please note that any negotiation communications included in this email does not constitute a contract until it is in writing and executed by both parties.